EPF/ESI Registration

EPF/ESI Registration

Employee's State Insurance(ESI) is a self-financing social security and health insurance scheme for Indian workers. ESI Registration is mandatory for employers having 10 or more employee. For all employees earning Rs.15,000 or less per month as wages, the employer must contribute 4.75% and employee must contribute 1.75% towards ESI. The ESI fund is managed by the ESI Corporation (ESI) according to rules and regulations stipulated therein the ESI Act 1948, which oversees the provision of medical and cash benefits to the employees and their family through its large network of branch offices, dispensaries and hospitals throughout India. ESI is an autonomous corporation under Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India.    


Employee's State Insurance(ESI) is a self-financing social security and health insurance scheme for Indian workers. For all employees earning INR 15000 or less per month as wages, the employer contributes 4.75 percentage and employee contributes 1.75 percentage, total share 6.5 percentage. This fund is managed by the ESI Corporation (ESI) according to rules and regulations stipulated therein the ESI Act 1948, which oversees the provision of medical and cash benefits to the employees and their family through its large network of branch offices, dispensaries and hospitals throughout India. ESI is an autonomous corporation under Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India. But most of the dispensaries and hospitals are run by concerned state governments. Employees registered under the ESI enjoy a range of benefits under the scheme. Employee enjoy medical attendance and treatment for the person insured and their families including full range of medical, surgical and obstetric treatment, supply of all drugs, ambulance services, super-specialty consultation, etc., In addition, to the medical care, insured persons also enjoy sick pay benefits. Registration with ESI provides the employee with 




List of documents for Esi and Pf coverage:-  

1.Pan card Photocopy
2.Empoyees List
3.Light bill
4.Telephone bill
5.Wage register
6.Attendance register
7.Incorporation certificate
8.Shop & Establishment licence
9.labour licence



 Registration of Employers:-

1.2 Section 2A of the ESI Act states as under:-
2A. Registration of factories and establishments-Every factory or establishment to which this Act applies shall be registered within such time and in such manner as may be specified in the regulations made in this behalf. 
1.3. As a follow-up of this provision in the Act, Regulation 10B was inserted in the ESI (General) Regulations, 1950. This regulation states as under: -



PF formalities the company must be 3 years old. After that only it can be registered with the PF department. Even for this Act also the minimum number of employee should be 20.
Every employer of an establishment to which the Employee Provident Fund Act applies, should submit in Form 5A(in duplicate) to the commissioner, particulars of all the branches and departments, owners, directors, partners if any or any other person who is controlling its affair within 15 days of its applicability of the scheme.
On receipt of Form 5A, the commissioner shall verify the particulars submitted and after been satisfied shall allot an Establishment Code No.


The Employees' Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) provides social security benefits to employees of establishments on which the Employees' Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1952 applies. EPFO is one of the largest provident fund institutions in the world in terms of members and volume of financial transactions that it has been carrying on.

The Organization manages three Schemes under the EPF & MP Act 1952 which becomes applicable on an establishment under the following conditions:

  1. The establishment is located at any place in India except in the State of Jammu and Kashmir where the Act does not apply.

  2. The activity of the establishment is one of those notified by the Government. The establishment may be a Factory engaged in an Industry notified and mentioned in Schedule I of the Act or a class of establishment which are notified. The list of such activities may be seen at the epfindia.gov.in website.

  3. The establishment has engaged 20 or more employees except in following cases:
    1. Establishment which is a Cinema Theatre having 5 or more employees.

    1. Establishments that are Cooperative Societies registered under Cooperative Societies Act and working without aid of power having 50 or more employees. The Act applies for such establishments if they have 20 or more employees and are working with aid of power.

Once the Act becomes applicable on an establishment, they have to start the remittance of PF and allied dues with the Organization immediately within 15 days of such applicability.

Note: The act continues to apply on an establishment irrespective of the fall in the employment strength later.


To start the remittances, they need to apply for a code number, based on which only they can register on the Electronic Challan cum Return Portal of EPFO. The challan is to be generated online through the portal only for any remittance to be made to EPFO.





The employer of an establishment on which the Act is not applicable can also apply for a code number if he and a majority of his employees have a written consent. In such case the employer has to have the agreement signed and a scanned copy of the agreement has to be uploaded with the online application. The agreement for applicability can be from the date of agreement or any prospective date mentioned in the agreement only.

Attested copies of all the documents that are mentioned in the online application will have to be submitted to the EPFO Office for verification with the originals after the code number is allotted.

Payment Details:-

No fee is charged by department for 'Employer Registration'. However after getting 'Establishment Registration number', payment of the monthly EPFO dues can be made by the employer. 
Applicant can apply for EPFO registration at any time of the year. 




















